Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gorgeous Goa

After leaving the tea gardens of West Bengal I returned to Delhi for a night. I met up with the small group there for a lovely little meeting and we had dinner afterwards as well. Another visitor Jana Printz joined us also so was nice to hear of the work she does in Central Asia.

Monday morning I flew to the Indian state of Goa. It is a small state stretching along the coast of the Arabian sea with many many miles of gorgeous sandy beaches. The temperatures are more moderate than in Delhi only about 32C today but the humidity is significantly higher at 63%. I'm staying with some people that were recommended to me about a 5 minute walk from the beach. They have a lovely spot with 6 rooms. However, I"m their only guest at the moment and so I'm enjoying the glorious sunny solitude. Yesterday afternoon I went with the man who runs the place (Mario) to watch the mango pickers picking mangoes on his tree. The trees are massive so a man climbed up with ropes and then used a net on the end of a 20 foot long bamboo pole to collect mangoes. I got to eat several fresh mangoes right off the tree with the juice running down to my elbows and they were superb! I also got to try jackfruit right off the tree. While it wasn't as good as the mangoes it was still pretty fun to eat it sitting underneath the jackfruit tree.

I'm visiting Goa in the 'off season'. This is because it is 'too hot' which sort of makes me laugh when I think of the rest of India at the moment. However, in the next couple week or two they expect the monsoon rains to start so things will get really hot and really soggy then. However, for now I'm enjoying the sunshine. This afternoon my plan is to do nothing - go to the beach for a swim, read a book, and maybe have a nap...I plan to repeat this for the next two days as well because you never know when life is going to get busy and un-restful.

Friday I will fly to Coimbatore for the meetings there on Saturday and Sunday so will be special to meet some new friends.

Hope all is well in your respective parts.

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